Jorg Gray’s Opportunity

Jorg Gray has reason to celebrate an excellent development for its business. As if the endorsement from President Barack Obama weren’t enough already, the company now has access to an exciting, new market. Access to this Turkish market will occur through a local distributor, one able to best assess market demands for Jorg Gray’s assortment of quality timepieces.

Turkey is tied to Europe in a way that few countries are–simultaneously a part of the Continent and an outsider. As such, its living standards are higher than other countries in the region; and though it could be characterised as a developing economy, it’s growing at an extremely high rate. As personal incomes ramp up, so goes the demand for luxury goods. Jorg Gray is an exclusive American brand offering products to the burgeoning upper-middle Turkish class. It’s likely that they will meet with great success if they’re able to effectively market themselves. In the end, that may come down to emphasising their Western origins. As noted, Turkey shares Europe’s cultural history, and the people of the country struggle in defining themselves as either Middle Eastern or European. Certainly in Istanbul, an enormous city, there’s the possibility and opportunity of one day growing into a centre of finance, industry, fashion, and education. Links and ties to the West will help, and the consumption of Jorg Gray watches is a microscopic step in the process.

Jorg Gray may find that its products are especially welcome in this moderately Islamic country. America is not only popular there, but so is the U.S. president. Moderate Muslims generally have a favourable view of Obama, viewing him more as a uniter than a divider. The Obama watch could be a hit in this country. Not only is it very affordably priced, but it comes with a degree of prestige.